They love foils because foils are shiny, and human beings are attracted to shiny things, even if some things shouldn't be shiny in the first place.

Foils are shiny cards that attract Magic players even more than the regular versions. Originally considered as "premium" versions, the number of foils that are printed is lower, meaning foils are rarer.
Making a whole deck into foils is quite an accomplishment. Some Magic players like the fact that acquiring all those foils is painful and takes commitment, because at least the pain sparkles and the commitment practically glows.
This is not a strange idea, as often in life, pain and commitment really do require sparkles and glow.

Even Magic players who say they hate foils really secretly, or even unknowingly love foils. This is because while they might not be interested in possessing a foil themselves, there are plenty of other players who would trade an arm and a leg for it. They love the cards and/or money they receive in exchange, therefore the foil was loved in theory.
Another aspect of foils that a Magic player might love is the fact that they are physically different. Foil layering makes the card slightly heavier and thicker, and is also subject to temperature.
It's not uncommon to see a whole foil deck sort of "curve" at the corners in a warped fashion. When a Magic player plays with those foils, it's almost like his whole deck is trying to jump off the table in a celebratory cheer.
Of shininess.
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