I ended up 2-1, splitting the last round for 3 packs, which worked out because real life came in abruptly and I probably wouldn't have been able to play the last round anyway.
As much as I was used to playing the "tapout" style and Conscription angle, this is definitely the more consistent W/U archetype, which will very likely still be a contender in Standard for the next year.
I tried out 2 small things, which I'm not entirely sold on, Capsule and Treasure Hunt/Halimar Depths/big Jace. I can't remember doing anything amazing with these additions (Sun Titan always seemed to recur Jace or Tectonic) and I boarded out Treasure Hunt a lot. Maybe if I had more than 1 big Jace there would've been a difference, but I don't so I can't make an accurate call.
The sideboard isn't really out of the ordinary, except maybe the Mindlock Orbs. I wanted to see if it would give me more of an edge against Valakut ramping instead of walking a Flashfreeze right into a Summoning Trap.
Round 3 Game 1, Win
The raw power of Jund is still in its prime. There's not many ways to recover from Triple Blightning, turn after turn, 3 turns in a row.. but I lucked out and drew 3 consecutive counters for my turns.

Round 3 Game 2, Win
I've read various sideboarding tips against Jund, and a lot of the times it's suggested that you take out copies of big Jace because he's not going to survive at all. I wish I could try this suggestion out, but since I only have 1, it seems like shooting myself in my own foot.
Then this happened, which I think was the turning point after the Jund player got to a very aggressive start with Putrid Leech and Sprouting:

He went for the gusto, attacking me instead of Jace or splitting the attack. Maybe it was the open Plains thinking Path (I didn't have one), maybe it was because he had Duress'd earlier and didn't take my Kor Firewalker seriously, who knows.
All I know is that big Jace stuck around for awhile, I got to bounce his Leech a few times, and hold off his Sprouting with a Firewalker long enough until Sun Titan came down. From there I just regained control.

As I mentioned earlier, I split Round 4. Hopefully the next DE I end up playing I'll have the time to actually try and finish for that legit 3-1 record.
M11 draft for this week's ThNM! I'm terrible at draft but the packs were "free" so to speak and I still need a playset of the promo.
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