So, my first Thursday Night Magic experience was last week, which also happened to be MTGO's first one too.
The first thing I noticed is that there was a lot of confusion about the format.
It seemed that while people found out about ThNM, only when they were actually logged into the Premier Events room did they find out that this week was only going to be Standard Constructed. I guess some people thought that all the different formats (sealed/draft/constructed) were going to happen every week.
I felt slightly bad for the ORC adepts in there fielding the questions and frustrations.
It was Constructed, so I had to scrounge up a deck. I don't normally play competitively on MTGO. I stick to the casual room, usually never with a sideboard. I have several decks, a decent cardpool, and I generally just like to play whatever appeals to my fancy.
So I took a deck that I already had built from a previous Jacob Van Lunen's Building on a Budget column, basically White/Blue Conscription.

First, before I get yelled at, I realize this doesn't seem very budget at all. But it actually is.. for my budget, my way of acquiring cards, my playstyle and my enjoyment, it's perfect. I'll save the transformation of how it came from the exact deck in the article to what I actually play for a different post in the future.
Second, I know I was being greedy. 61 cards and only 22 lands, even with 3 Borderposts. This will cost me later in Round 2.
Third, I'm terrible at tourney reports, much like how I am terrible at tournies. So I decided to just give some snapshots about what happened.
Round 1 Game 3, Win

This was against Jund, one that ran some ramp spells like Rampant Growth and Borderland Ranger, Master of the Wild Hunt instead of Broodmates.
At this point we were 1-1 and I lucked out with a turn 5 Conscription thanks to Sovereign Chun Li teaming up with Knight of the White Sakura.
Round 2 Game 1, Loss

I was never in either game. While Knight of the White Orchid DID get me my 2nd land like it does on a good opening.. this 2nd land came on my turn 6.
Round 3 Game 2, Win

This was against White/Blue, but one without the Conscription angle. We both boarded in War Priests to handle Oblivion Rings but I wasn't expecting Crystallization too.
Eventually we get Sun Titans on the board but I'm the one who gets the Jace recur first.
Fin, 2-1

In the end I'm 2-1 so I get a pack of Magic 2011 and a copy of the Krosan Grip promo. The next Constructed ThNM will be Zendikar Block so I'll be working on what I'm playing.
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