(what an awkward opener)
They love love at first sight because love at first sight is probably the best way to sum up how a Magic card appears on a player's radar.
A card is a physical piece of paper that has art and text on it, and it exists all on its own. However, once a player physically looks at it through the sense of sight, the card will exist in that player's mind. If a player doesn't care for a particular card after seeing it, it won't stay in the mind for long.
But if it does, it usually means love. What that love does, who knows. It usually leads to decks, playstyles, collections, wherever the mind of that player takes it.
The actual way a Magic player gets to look at cards is also important.

Not to mention that Magic players always clamor for sneak previews and spoilers. Some players will search hours and hours for that little piece of evidence or cropped photo or leaked tidbit that even hints at the first sight of a new card, the first glimpse of a new frontier.

Even if a Magic player hates a particular card, there is always chance he might find himself in a situation where he will love seeing it.
Take a sealed format for instance, where a player draws that Mind Control. While the player ordinarily might hate enchantments, hate blue as a color, or hate paying 5 mana for anything, it's a pretty sure bet they are glad it decided to show up when it steals the opponent's bomb.
In a world where first impressions matter and linger, and being able to view things first sometimes has a premium (opening nights for films, plays), Magic players love love at first sight.
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